Recently I needed a plugin that changed the date of WordPress posts by category for a travel photo website. The site was divided into categories that were countries containing 1000 posts. The problem was these posts were not the same date as the photos as they were created years after taking them, So I wanted a way to choose change all the posts that resided in a category/country at the same time rather than change the date of each post individually. The solution turned out to be very easy. Watch the video for the plugin called Post Date Time Change. I have placed a link to the plugin below the video.
Post Date Time Change
Download Post Date Time Change →
NOTE: This plugin has one downfall. If you change multiple posts to the same timestamp, then it screws up post navigation because that is based on date/time in ascending or descending order. The solution is to change the seconds on the timestamp for each post manually. You can do this quite quickly using the same plugin. Go through all your affected posts and change the last two digits in the new date field that the plugin adds. These two digits are seconds. So start with say 59, then 58 for the next post and so on. Now each post with the same date will have a slightly different time. Consequently, this will restore normal functionality for post navigation when you click the ‘Next’ or ‘Previous’ links.